Linyanti region
The Greater Linyanti is a vast and wild region and home to a huge amount of wildlife.
The Kwando and Linyanti river systems form the northern ‘dog-leg’ boundary of Botswana with Namibia’s Caprivi Strip. Aside from the small section (some 5 kms) of Chobe National Park which adjoins the Linyanti, the area is dominated by three huge private concession areas and the communal lands of the Chobe Enclave.
The Kwando Reserve (concession) stretches westwards from the Kwando River, a vast area of big game country. To the south of Kwando is the beautiful Selinda Reserve which covers an area of 1350 sq.kms and stretches west to east between the Okavango Delta and the Kwando/Linyanti river, straddling the Selinda (or Magwegqana) Spillway.

The Linyanti concession lies to the south-east of Selinda, stretching north-east along the southern bank of the Linyanti River, and east along the upper reaches of the Savuti Channel. Beyond the little section of the Chobe National Park which adjoins the Linyanti River is the Chobe Enclave, sandwiched between the Linyanti River in the west and Lake Liambezi to the north and east.
The river system habitats around the Kwando River, Selinda Spillway, Linyanti River and Savuti Channel are very similar to the Okavango Delta with many beautiful areas and excellent game viewing. The river courses are however generally not nearly as navigable, so water activities are limited to certain areas. Away from the river system, the habitat is an interesting contrast of open floodplains, thick salt bush and huge tracts of mopane woodland.
All four areas offer superb game viewing, especially for wild dog (this region in general is one of the best areas to see them in the wild) and in the late dry season when large herds of elephant, buffalo and zebra are reliant on the river systems. Being private concessions, activities are varied and include night drives, off road driving, walks and limited water activities.
For further information for how best to include the Linyanti in a Botswana safari itinerary please call us on +44 (0) 1787 888590 to discuss your requirements, or email us via our Contact Us page.