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Walking Safaris in Zambia

Zambia is known for offering incredible walking safaris in big game territory.

The woodlands and waterways of Zambia’s best known parks, especially the South Luangwa, make for perfect walking conditions – the waterways attract game in the dry season and provide open vistas and varied wildlife sightings, whilst the woodlands offer diversity of animals, shade as the temperature rises and you never quite know what is around the next corner, or in the trees above you! Many people will argue that Zambia offers the best walking safaris in Africa.

There are limited good walking options in Kafue National Park with Classic Zambia offering the best at Musekese Camp, and in Lower Zambezi National Park Classic Zambia also offers the most dedicated walking experience from Chula Island Camp and Kutali Camp. Most camps in the Lower Zambezi do however offer walking activities, including the excellent Old Mondoro Camp.

However, it is the South Luangwa and North Luangwa National Parks in the Luangwa Valley which are best known for walking, perhaps more so than anywhere else in Africa.

Of the North and South parks, it is the South Luangwa which is richer in game, attracts more tourists and offers a greater variety of walking options. Virtually all permanent camps offer walking safaris as an alternative to standard game drives, but certain camps take a more dedicated approach to walking, such as Mwamba Bushcamp, Chamilandu and Bilimungwe. In a few cases, camps concentrate solely on walking. Crocodile Camp and Chikoko Tree Camp are two bush camps which combine to offer one of the best walking safaris in Africa – the Tafika Trails. This dedicated walking experience offers incredible walking and game viewing, hosted by superb guides in pristine wilderness areas.

The North Luangwa is a slightly more harsh wilderness that is principally explored on foot, though a limited road network does exist. Game concentrations are less than in the South Luangwa, but there are also far fewer camps and visitors, making the North Luangwa one of the most exclusive walking destinations in Africa. Mwaleshi Camp is an intimate bush camp with a focus on daily walking adventures, while Takwela Camp offers a similarly intimate, authentic experience with the option of limited game drives as well as walking.

If you are interested in finding out more about walking safaris in Zambia, please call us on+44 (0) 1787 888590 or email us your requirements via our Contact Us page. To find out more about safari options in Zambia, please link through to our Zambia pages.